Why Travel Medicine Should Be Part of Your Vacation Planning

Demand for travel this year is at an all-time high, with more and more people taking to the skies or hitting the road for a getaway. Passports and lodging accommodations are high on your list if traveling, but an often-forgotten checklist item is making sure your healthy before, during, and after your trip. Depending on your destination, a visit to your doctor is essential to having a fun – and safe – trip.

Before Travel

About four to six weeks before heading out on your vacation, you and your family should be seen by your primary care provider. There are a variety of services they can provide before traveling, including:

  • Pre-travel risk assessments based on your personal medical history, itinerary, season of travel, and purpose of the trip. Your provider will assess the possibility of any diseases or socio-political risks at your destination and provide recommendations to set your health up for success.
  • Based on your pre-travel risk assessment, your provider may recommend certain prescriptions or travel vaccines. This could include prescriptions for preventing diseases, such as malaria, or over-the-counter medication to treat more mild conditions, like traveler’s diarrhea or motion sickness. Your provider will also ensure you’re up to date on any missed or overdue routine vaccines.
  • During an appointment, your provider can teach you strategies for self-treatment when traveling. This education can help you learn about food or water-borne diseases, safety concerns, jet lag, potential injuries, and how to care for any chronic conditions.

These traveler’s medicine services not only help you safely enjoy your time away, but they’re beneficial in making sure you return home healthy. You’ll be back to work and your responsibilities without missing a beat!

After Travel

Returning home refreshed and healthy will have a positive impact on your productivity, whether at school, work, or home. But did you know that fever can be a symptom of travel-related illness for up to a year after your trip? If you return from your trip not feeling 100%, virtual primary care is a great solution to get the care you need, when and where you need it. A provider is only a phone call or video visit away, whether you’re at the airport, on the road, or in the comfort of your own home. Both virtually and in-person, a provider can evaluate your symptoms and recommend treatment to get you back on your feet. If medication is needed, many states offer prescription delivery and will send them straight to your front door!

As you begin planning for your next adventure, don’t forget to put your health on the to-do list. A simple visit with your primary care provider can make sure you and your family get the most out of your vacation.

Travel Medicine at Premise Health

Premise provides preventive and post-travel care for members to make sure they have what they need to return to work healthy. Wherever they go, we’re there to support their best health. Whether it’s a simple need like travel vaccines or something more extensive like pre-risk travel assessments – we provide seamless access that makes it easier to stay healthy in a busy world. Learn more about travel medicine as part of primary care here.

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