Our Story Unfolds.

The world of healthcare from our point of view.

How To Be a Better Healthcare Consumer

Industry Insights

It’s no secret that healthcare has become a tangled web that’s almost unnavigable for consumers. Shopping for healthcare is vastly different than shopping for most other services: Prices are hidden, it’s difficult to find information on what you’re purchasing, and in an emergency, consumers may not have the luxury of shopping around. On top of […]

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Team Member Approved Turkey Trots to Travel For in 2019


One of America’s longest standing Thanksgiving holiday traditions is the turkey trot. People lace up their shoes on Thanksgiving morning to log miles in some of the most unique races across the country. More than 1 million people crossed the finish line of one of the more than 1,000 turkey trots in 2017 alone, according […]

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Why you need a biometric screening: Misperceptions and common questions

Our Services

Biometric screenings are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace, but many team members may not know exactly what they entail and why their employer is asking them to complete one. We spent some time with Katie White, VP of Operations at Premise Health, to learn more about why biometric screenings are important and answer some […]

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What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Our Services

Lifestyle medicine is an approach to healthcare that promotes the use of health behavior change as the primary way to prevent, treat and reverse many chronic medical conditions, as well as some autoimmune diseases. Lifestyle medicine is often broken down into seven pillars of a healthy lifestyle: nutrition, movement, emotional wellbeing/stress, sleep, substance free, hydration […]

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Inside a Premise Health Nearsite Wellness Center

Healthcare Access

Think back to your last doctor’s appointment. There’s a good chance you spent time in a waiting room and analyzed your surroundings, from the lighting to artwork on the walls, to how the front desk staff welcomed patients. You likely remember the time you spent in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come […]

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