Why is a Patient Experience Program and Training Important?

At your last doctor’s appointment, were you greeted with a smile when you entered the office? Did your provider ask about your family and remember their names? When your appointment was over, did staff members help you find your way back to where you came in? Unfortunately, many patients don’t encounter these things on their healthcare journeys. Healthcare isn’t known for providing the best patient experience – it’s often known for long wait times, challenging hours of operation, and inconvenient locations. 

But what if providers could deliver better, more personalized experiences for patients? Patient experience programs and associated training is the solution. Not only does it help deliver the highest-quality care to patients, it also results in better outcomes and cost savings for organizations. At Premise Health, our patient experience program is called the ART of Quality Service. 

What is a patient experience program?

While the ART of Quality Service program is unique to Premise, the purpose of any patient experience program is simple – to deliver exceptional care and experiences.  

At Premise, our providers focus on Access, Respect, and Trust during interactions with patients. This helps them foster relationships and gain a deeper understanding of patient goals, preferences, and potential barriers. By taking a patient-focused approach to care, clinical outcomes and wellbeing improve drastically.  

Access, respect, and trust are the three components we believe are essential when thinking about how to deliver a positive healthcare experience. All Premise team members receive foundational and ongoing training focused on these key pillars. 


Premise definition: Providing care in the way that makes healthcare most convenient for patients. 

Training: Our teams learn the importance of appointment reminders; providing clear expectations as a patient checks in; being respectful of time by staying on schedule; and promoting technology to improve efficiency and provide access to helpful tools. 


Premise definition: Dignified and personalized care by team members who value member relationships. 

Training: This section covers personalizing interactions with patients to make them feel known and valued; delivering a positive and professional greeting to create a good first impression when meeting a member; and taking responsibility for maintaining a clean and comfortable environment.


Premise definition: Changes necessary for better health are only possible when trust has been built between a provider and a patient. 

Training: Team members learn the importance of beginning each day with intentional enthusiasm and commitment; warmly guiding patients through their appointment and introducing them to others on their care team who may become involved; and building strong, trusting relationships that can have an impact on a patient’s overall health.

Why is a patient experience program important for patients? 

To understand why patient experience programs are important for patients, it helps to understand what a high-quality experience looks like. Let’s pretend you just arrived for your annual physical.  

Once you enter the center, the receptionist greets you right away with a warm smile and welcome. They’ll help with any check-in steps you need to complete, and then respect your time by escorting you into the exam room as soon as possible. Next, your provider arrives and greets you by your preferred name. Based on if you’re a new or existing patient, they’ll either begin building a relationship with you or continue strengthening the relationship. This could look like the provider asking about your family or how your day has been, all the while taking note of your values, beliefs, and other important aspects of your life. Once you begin discussing your health and wellness goals together, they’ll encourage you to be comfortable providing any feedback you believe is relevant. Throughout the visit, your provider will ensure you feel respected, valued, and supported. They will listen to your preferences and concerns and partner with you to develop a tailored care plan that best aligns with your values and addresses your specific needs. 

As your appointment continues, your provider decides you’ll need to pick up some medication before heading home. They walk you over to the pharmacy themselves and do a warm handoff to the pharmacist. A warm handoff is simply a personal introduction to any new members of your care team. By taking the time to personally introduce you, you’ll likely feel more comfortable and trusting of the people taking care of you.  

Once you’re done at the pharmacy, the provider will walk you out and encourage you to use any available technology, like an online portal where you can view appointment reminders, test results, and communicate with your care team. If the portal is new to you, don’t worry! You’ll have the opportunity to create a log-in while at the center so the care team can help walk you through the process. At the end of the appointment, you should leave feeling like you received equal care, regardless of race, gender identity, age, technological literacy, or any number of other factors.  

How did that whole experience feel? It may not be common in our healthcare system, but it’s the level of care and respect every patient deserves. Exceptional experiences remove barriers by making healthcare more convenient, which leads to happier, healthier patients. When patients have positive interactions and trusted relationships, they’re more likely to stay on top of their health and seek treatment before health concerns become more serious. The result is better health: on average, we see a 24% reduction in outpatient admissions and a 41% reduction in inpatient admissions for Premise patients. 

Why is a patient experience program important for employers? 

While patient experience programs are focused on creating exceptional member experiences, employers also benefit from them. 

High patient satisfaction leads to higher utilization rates, which means patients are receiving important preventive and primary care. It also means patients have a relationship with their care team, and this team can support their health – both in the primary care setting and by helping them find high-value referrals for specialty care, when needed.  

As a result, employers have healthier populations and lower long-term healthcare costs. They also benefit from less absenteeism for illness, higher productivity, and overall happier workers.

At Premise Health, our patient experience approach was developed in consultation with the Ritz-Carlton and Disney. From pre-visit with real-time scheduling to follow-ups tailored to the communication preferences of patients, every interaction with Premise is an opportunity to create an outstanding patient experience.  

High-quality experiences are hard to find in the community, but employers looking to provide direct healthcare can make it possible for their employees. Get in touch to learn more about our white-glove approach to care for your workforce. 

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