Tech & Innovation

Take a Tour of the My Premise Health app

Tech & Innovation

Healthcare technology should answer a single question: how does this make things easier for the people who use it? That’s the question we answered with My Premise Health, our secure online member portal and mobile app. Let’s take a tour to see what members can do with it.  Interacting with their care team In the […]

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Three Areas of Your Health Connected Devices Can Help

Tech & Innovation

Connected devices: A quick refresher By now, you’ve no doubt heard about connected devices. These devices have been implemented and improved over the years to help people better monitor their health in various ways. The most common devices are smart watches, but the list continues to grow with the evolution of devices like more discrete […]

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Ransomware: How to Minimize your Organization’s Risk

Tech & Innovation

It’s no surprise to any employer that ransomware attacks are on the rise, making these destructive breaches a serious cause for concern. Attacks rose 158% from 2019 to 2020 in North America alone. Unfortunately, cybercriminals can easily access company data if proper measures aren’t in place. Read on for tips employers can use to mitigate […]

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Ransomware 101: What to Know and Expect

Tech & Innovation

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, impacting employers daily. From the compromise of the Colonial Pipeline to the attack of Kaseya to the global WannaCry incident, it’s not uncommon for employers to find themselves in the middle of a ransomware situation. These types of attacks quickly become destructive and have a costly impact on organizations, […]

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How to Reduce the Security Risks of Wearable Technology for Your Organization

Tech & Innovation

Driven by the increased use of connected devices among employee populations, wearable technology has rapidly entered the workforce in recent years. While this technology presents innovative opportunities for employers to improve the delivery of healthcare, it also comes with associated risk. Understanding there is no true solution for these security concerns, risk mitigation is the […]

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