Premise Health Licensed Professional Counselor Talks Imposter Syndrome

Premise Health Licensed Professional Counselor Talks Imposter Syndrome

Megan Ashcroft headshotMegan Ashcroft, licensed professional counselor at Premise Health, recently spoke with worklife, a publication focused on covering how workplaces and workforces are transforming across all industries, about the impact of imposter syndrome on productivity. 

Ashcroft says imposter syndrome can affect anyone from entry level workers all the way up to the executive level and “can drive those experiencing it to overwork, leading to burnout.” 

“It can also cause them to procrastinate, be less decisive and ultimately less innovative,” Ashcroft said. In the article, she also offered tips on how employers can help team members overcome imposter syndrome, including challenging their inner thoughts and focusing on the wins, no matter how small. 

Read more from Ashcroft along with perspectives from other professionals experienced in imposter syndrome here